Saturday, October 30, 2010

The “Take the weatherman seriously especially when you're going on a ferry ride”

Take the weatherman seriously especially when you're going on a ferry ride

Four months ago, UBE 6 was set to a plan. The target dates were October 22 to 24, it was the perfect date then, we saw no problems going along with it. But then typhoon Juan came. And by some sort of misfortune, it came a week before UBE 6!

What seemed to be the perfect plan suddenly became a blur, the reaction was a given, all of us were threatened. Are we going to push this through and risk our lives while in it? >.< But we weighed things over nevertheless. We were dead scared because the transportation by water would last from 1 to 1.5 hours (as what we heard) but we were also excited and we wanted this so bad because this will be the farthest the gang will go to spend UBE. We even had plans B and C (that is to just spend UBE in Laiya, Batangas) if the weather will not be kind to us that day, but to no avail. Kabayan (plan B) and Virgin Beach Resort (plan C) were so darn expensive and we cannot afford them, not yet ;p. We lost three supposed joiners along the way, but 14 remained positive. Yes, the optimism reigned. Or you may call it stubbornness, whatever, but we never said never. To hell with you Juan, we decided to bravely venture into the wild waves of whatever ocean it is between Batangas and Mindoro. We journeyed to Puerto Galera. :)

The bus ride was a breeze. We left Manila at around 7 AM and arrived at Batangas Port after almost 2 hours. No traffic at all. :) While we’re on the way, we saw Mr. Sun smiling, and we took it as a positive sign. Maybe Juan felt our rage towards him and hurriedly flew away. Yeah, well that’s what we thought.

When we finally boarded the ferry (a large outrigger boat that is), the horror began.

It’s also kinda funny ‘cause I wasn’t really frightened of boat rides (before) because I lived in that mode of transportation all my life. But that totally changed as I sit there, eyes closed, fists tightly clenched, praying “Lord God, I know I told my friends “mamatay na kung mamamatay” when we were deciding if we should carry on with the Galera plan, but I was just kidding. You know I was kidding right? I’m not yet ready, please don’t let this boat sink. Please don’t let me die. You’re the best Bro. Amen.”

Imagine you’re on a boat in the middle of a vast ocean where no island can be seen and the waves are aggressively rocking it. Imagine! I can’t even look at the boat’s entrance because when I try to, I could see the water almost coming in. Darn this lucid imagination of mine, I keep on picturing the boat sinking, all of us panicking, screaming, and begging for our lives. :( Oh, and did I mention the guy holding his rosary all throughout the ride? Gosh, looking at him makes me panic even more, it’s like a scene in the movies where the people are all doomed and in the corner is someone praying hardly for their safety, yet they all still get killed, rosary left on the floor or left sinking in the water if they were on a sinking boat. Haha!

But still, I thank God for receiving my prayers on time. We eventually got out of the trickiest part of the ocean after what seemed like a lifetime. We eventually landed on safe grounds. ^_^

Yes, you are correct, going home was a burden we all had at the time, but we temporarily dismissed the idea so we could enjoy the beach. It is, after all, our time to have an ultimate bonding experience. We already had the “ultimate” boat ride; it was time we moved forward to the “bonding experience”.

But if you ask me, will I ever do that again? (the boat ride per se). Noooo!!! Gosh, why don't they have land transpo to Puerto?!


Maudey said...

great storytelling jaq! i could feel my heart throb as i read it.. flashback kung flashback.. i-link ko nalang kaya to from my blog para di na ko mag-isip?! hahaha

jaq b. said...

wahahaha! thanks tol! and no, you have got to share yours! ikaw lang ang nakaexperience malunod at mapuwing ng isang bloke ng buhangin! hahahaha! :-p

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